Miller Institute for Contemporary Art at Carnegie Mellon University. “Ecology is Racist – It’s Time to Eat”. Remote Control 3 – Annotated Bibliographies.

Brooklyn Rail. “Marx@200”. Review of exhibition at Space Gallery. Pittsburgh PA. June 2018.

Art as Social Action: An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Teaching Social Practice Art. Ed. Chloe Bass and Greg Sholette. Designing A Multi-Species Commons chapter. Co-written with Iain Kerr of SPURSE. May 2018.

Museum of Non-Visible Art. SPURSE Radio interview with Brainard Carey. September 17, 2017.

Clocktower Radio. Interview with Nany Nowacek. May 2017.

Eat Your Sidewalk: The Cookbook. Co-written with SPURSE. Published by CreateSpace. December 2016.

The New Farmer’s Almanac, Volume 3: Commons of Sky, Knowledge, Land, Water. “Multi-species commons”. Co-written with SPURSE. Summer 2016.

Heterotopolis. “Guide to Procedures for an Emergent Commons”. Co-written with SPURSE. In: Adaptive Actions. 2014.

Art Jewelry Forum Best of Interviews. “Affective Craft Manifesto interview with Kerianne Quick and Benjamin Lignel”. Published by Art Jewelry Forum. April 2014.

“Artist Parents” Mythological Quarter. Interview with Bonnie Fortune and Brett Bloom. March 10 2013

“(Affective)Craft Manifesto” Journal of Modern Craft. Co-authored with MFA students from SUNY New Paltz. January 15, 2013. 

“The Social Art Work” October. Co-authored article with David Joselit and Sylvia Kolbowski. Issue 142. Winter 2012.

 “Commons Sense” Journal for Aesthetics and Protest.  Spurse collaboration. December 2012.

 “An Aesthetics: Towards Co-compositions of the Real”. Chapter in Alternative Nows edited by Amber Hickey. Spurse collaboration. Fall 2012. 

 “Technics, Temporality and Material Agency: Transversal Sense Organs for DeepTime”. Delivered at the 2012 American Comparative Literature Conference panel “A New Political Ecology: Guattari, Stengers, Latour”. Spurse collaboration. March 28, 2012.